Love In Space" is an ensemble romantic comedy that follows a mother and her three grown daughters as they juggle their assorted love lives. Each woman is successful in everything except love - until they unexpectedly encounter new romances in Watch Love in Space Movie Online
Love (formerly titled I-Empire) is a science fiction film produced and scored by the alternative rock band Angels & Airwaves. The film is the directorial debut of filmmaker William Eubank. The film's world-premiere took place on February 2, 2011 at the 26th Annual Santa Barbara International Film Festival and the film was later featured in both the Seattle International Film Festival and FanTasia 2011 in Montreal. The film was released in 450 select theatres nationwide on August 10, 2011, in a special one-night-only l?ve live event that included a live-streamed band performance along with a question & answer session.
Love portrays the personal-psychological effects of isolation and loneliness when an astronaut becomes stranded in space and through this, emphasizes the importance of human connection and love. Additionally, it touches on the fragility of mankind's existence (explored through a dying Earth-apocalyptic doomsday scenario) inspired by the cautions of Carl Sagan in Pale Blue Dot and considers the importance of memories and stories as humanity's legacy.
n the year 2039, United States Astronaut Lee Miller is sent to the International Space Station as a one-man skeleton crew to examine if it is safe for use after it had been abandoned two decades earlier. Shortly after arriving on-board, Lee loses contact with Earth and finds himself stranded in orbit alone. As time passes and life support systems dwindle, Lee battles to maintain his sanity and to stay alive. His world is a claustrophobic and lonely existence and he begins to dream of prior crew members -both Russian and American- depicted in Polaroids left aboard the station from previous missions. After experiencing power problems, Lee is forced to journey into a portion of the ship that he earlier depressurized where he makes a strange and inexplicable discovery, the journal of a Civil War captain from 1864. Love explores the fundamental human need for connection and the limitless power of hope. A high-impact visual adventure, that resonates a common truth, that everyone has a story to tell and something even greater to leave behind.
Early teasers were released in 2007 and 2009. On January 10, 2011, the film's final trailer was released on Apple Trailers. The release of this trailer saw coverage on several industry websitesBased on the style choices seen in the film's trailer, reviewers have mentioned similarities to 2001: A Space Odyssey, Moon, and Solaris.Reviewers have also noted the production design, with the space-station set reportedly being built in William Eubank's parents' backyard
In a making-of video uploaded to his Vimeo account, Eubank details the construction of the set and lists materials such as packing quilts, MDF, pizza bags, velcro, insulation, Christmas lights, and other salvaged material as components to the ISS set.According to Tom DeLonge, the production was going to rent the space station from the movie Apollo 13 but instead opted to construct it from salvaged materials for budget reasons. Watch Love in Space Movie Online
The film's world-premiere took place on February 2, 2011 at the 26th Annual Santa Barbara International Film Festival, with additional screenings on February 3, 4 and 5 at the Metro 4 and Arlington Theater. The film was screened for free on February 11 at the Riviera Theatre in Santa Barbara as one of eleven films chosen as "Best of the Fest".
The 2011 Seattle International Film Festival featured Love in both their Sci-Fi and Beyond Pathway and their New American Cinema program. The film played on May 21 at the Pacific Place Theatre and May 22 at the SIFF Cinema. The film played a third time, June 11, at the Egyptian Theatre. To View The Full HD : free movies online for free
Love was accepted into the 2011 Fantasia International Film Festival held in Montreal, Quebec. Its FanTasia screening on July 18 in Hall Theatre, as part of the festival's Camera Lucida Section, marked the film's international premiere.
Love (formerly titled I-Empire) is a science fiction film produced and scored by the alternative rock band Angels & Airwaves. The film is the directorial debut of filmmaker William Eubank. The film's world-premiere took place on February 2, 2011 at the 26th Annual Santa Barbara International Film Festival and the film was later featured in both the Seattle International Film Festival and FanTasia 2011 in Montreal. The film was released in 450 select theatres nationwide on August 10, 2011, in a special one-night-only l?ve live event that included a live-streamed band performance along with a question & answer session.
Love portrays the personal-psychological effects of isolation and loneliness when an astronaut becomes stranded in space and through this, emphasizes the importance of human connection and love. Additionally, it touches on the fragility of mankind's existence (explored through a dying Earth-apocalyptic doomsday scenario) inspired by the cautions of Carl Sagan in Pale Blue Dot and considers the importance of memories and stories as humanity's legacy.
n the year 2039, United States Astronaut Lee Miller is sent to the International Space Station as a one-man skeleton crew to examine if it is safe for use after it had been abandoned two decades earlier. Shortly after arriving on-board, Lee loses contact with Earth and finds himself stranded in orbit alone. As time passes and life support systems dwindle, Lee battles to maintain his sanity and to stay alive. His world is a claustrophobic and lonely existence and he begins to dream of prior crew members -both Russian and American- depicted in Polaroids left aboard the station from previous missions. After experiencing power problems, Lee is forced to journey into a portion of the ship that he earlier depressurized where he makes a strange and inexplicable discovery, the journal of a Civil War captain from 1864. Love explores the fundamental human need for connection and the limitless power of hope. A high-impact visual adventure, that resonates a common truth, that everyone has a story to tell and something even greater to leave behind.
Early teasers were released in 2007 and 2009. On January 10, 2011, the film's final trailer was released on Apple Trailers. The release of this trailer saw coverage on several industry websitesBased on the style choices seen in the film's trailer, reviewers have mentioned similarities to 2001: A Space Odyssey, Moon, and Solaris.Reviewers have also noted the production design, with the space-station set reportedly being built in William Eubank's parents' backyard
In a making-of video uploaded to his Vimeo account, Eubank details the construction of the set and lists materials such as packing quilts, MDF, pizza bags, velcro, insulation, Christmas lights, and other salvaged material as components to the ISS set.According to Tom DeLonge, the production was going to rent the space station from the movie Apollo 13 but instead opted to construct it from salvaged materials for budget reasons. Watch Love in Space Movie Online
The film's world-premiere took place on February 2, 2011 at the 26th Annual Santa Barbara International Film Festival, with additional screenings on February 3, 4 and 5 at the Metro 4 and Arlington Theater. The film was screened for free on February 11 at the Riviera Theatre in Santa Barbara as one of eleven films chosen as "Best of the Fest".
The 2011 Seattle International Film Festival featured Love in both their Sci-Fi and Beyond Pathway and their New American Cinema program. The film played on May 21 at the Pacific Place Theatre and May 22 at the SIFF Cinema. The film played a third time, June 11, at the Egyptian Theatre. To View The Full HD : free movies online for free
Love was accepted into the 2011 Fantasia International Film Festival held in Montreal, Quebec. Its FanTasia screening on July 18 in Hall Theatre, as part of the festival's Camera Lucida Section, marked the film's international premiere.
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