Jun 15, 2011

Watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Movie Online Stream

Watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Movie OnlineThe filmmakers claim that the decision was taken to do justice to J.K. Rowling’s lengthy final tome, and while it does allow the audience to spend more time with these beloved characters at this most significant time, one can’t escape the feeling that Part 1 is all set-up and no pay-off, resulting in a somewhat empty cinematic experience.Director David Yates — helming his third Potter flick — clearly revels in the additional hours afforded him, taking his time to set the scene for the story’s big finale.
So the end of the journey is here. Well nearly, because as with the forthcoming Twilight and Hobbit adaptations, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows has been split in two, Part 1 hitting this Christmas and Part 2 concluding the saga next summer.
He builds an oppressive sense of melancholy from the off, with Harry, Ron and Hermione preparing to leave home, perhaps for the last time. In a particularly touching scene, only alluded to in the book, Hermione removes her parents’ memories of their only child to protect them for the inevitable, fast-approaching war. The tension is briefly alleviated in an amusing sequence revolving around multiple Harrys appearing onscreen, but then it’s straight back to the drama, our heroes embarking on a dramatic chase through the night sky as the Death Eaters close in.They make a dangerous and daring escape, but with devastating consequences for all involved, and it’s at this point that the plot proper kicks in.
Minister of Magic Rufus Scrimgeour visits the trio to deliver the final bequests of Albus Dumbledore, with Ron receiving a light-producing Deluminator, Hermione a copy of The Tales of Beetle the Bard, and Harry the Snitch that he caught in his first Quidditch match, and the sword of Gryffindor (with the latter seemingly missing).
Strange gifts that pose more questions than they answer, they leave the three heroes confused as to their significance. However, before the trio have the opportunity to piece together Dumbledore’s final puzzle, they are again forced to hit the road, this time isolated and utterly alone. With the net closing in, Voldemort begins to enact his ultimate solution, taking control of both Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic and wiping out the ‘undesirables’ of the muggle race.
Introducing ‘educational reform’ and a programme of ‘evaluation’ — the motto being “You have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide” — he uses murder and oppression to set about creating the perfect pure blood society.With nowhere to hide, tensions between our three heroes rise, allowing Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson to deliver their best performances of the franchise thus far. As Harry discovers the painful truth about Dumbledore’s past, he undergoes something of a crisis of faith, while the burgeoning relationship between Ron and Hermione causes their three-way friendship to become increasingly fractured.   Watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Movie Online
Matters aren’t helped by the presence of a Horcrux, one of the vessels into which the Dark Lord has hidden a piece of his soul. Unable to free it, the three must carry the cursed object around with them, and with the Horcrux intensifying negative emotions, it causes their friendship to hit breaking point. Unfortunately, at this point proceedings slow down to a snail’s pace as the filmmakers struggle with the complexities of the plot. Endeavouring to unravel the mysteries of the Horcrux and the titular Deathly Hallows, the trio journey this way and that, without ever really knowing why.
And if our protagonists aren’t sure what they are doing or why, it’s hard for the audience to become involved, or worse still care, making for a somewhat tedious middle section.The appearance of Xenophilius Lovegood — Luna’s father and editor of underground newspaper The Quibbler — briefly improves proceedings, while an entirely original dance sequence between Harry and Hermione is both touching and poignant.   To View The Full HD : Free movies to watch online

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