May 5, 2011

Watch Barney's Version Online Free Movie part 1

 Watch Barney's Version Movie online

The dizzying comic energy and intellectual vigor of Mordecai Richler's 1997 satire have largely been drained from director Richard J. Lewis' agreeable but inevitably lesser version of "Barney's Version." Absent the novel's wildly entertaining digressions and chronological acrobatics, the strange, decades-spanning tale of Barney Panofsky--thrice-married Montreal Jew, hack TV producer and suspected killer--emerges onscreen as a middle-tier marriage drama distinguished by an excellent Paul Giamatti in a familiar curmudgeon role. Acquired by Sony Classics before its Venice and Toronto bows, the Canadian-Italian production faces an uphill battle connecting with smart, literate audiences."   Watch English Movie online
If Natalie Portman has been the stand out actress of this festival for her performance in Darren Aronofsky's Black Swan, then Paul Giamatti is surly now her opposite number as the best actor. The film in question is Barney's Version, directed by a veteran television director (CSI mostly) Richard J. Lewis. Giamatti plays the title role, as a man reflecting on his life - giving us his account of events (hence the title). Think of it as a gentler, softer, more accessible Synecdoche, New York - if only for the way you see the changes in Giamatti's character over a 30 year period, with all the heartbreak that comes with love and losing it.

Based on a beloved novel by the late Canadian author Mordecai Richler, the story begins with a misanthropic and bitter man, seemingly mean and uncaring to those around him. But as we go through his past from his point of view, his actions - even his bad or destructive ones - come to make sense and seem justified. It is a real triumph of the "unrelaible narrator" here, that even when he ditches his wife on their wedding night to chase after another woman he has just met, in spite of ourselves, we see it as a romantic act and root for him. Even when you don't agree with him, you at least empathise. Along the way you see his three marriages; the death of loved ones; and you also see Barney made the prime suspect in a homicide investigation.
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