May 22, 2011

The Guard Full Movie Online

The Guard Full Movie Online

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The title character in "The Guard" ("Karaul"), Aleksandr Rogoschkin's dark new Soviet film, is Iveren, a young soldier who has the delicate handsomeness associated with the idealized 19th-century romantic poet. He seems, however, to live beyond hope, in self-imposed exile.

He never smiles. His soul has become clenched.

Recently assigned to a train that transports prisoners to labor camps, Iveren endures his crude new comrades with distaste. He does what they ask. Nothing more.

He finds no humor in their jokes, and refuses to cooperate in their mindless, obligatory hazing of him. In his crack-up the ferocious ordinariness of a political system is exposed.

"The Guard" will be shown today at 12:15 P.M. and tomorrow at 6 P.M. as part of the New Directors/New Films series.

Though the pinched, unhappy Iveren can be seen as a figure of the post-Communist imagination, his despair has its roots in pre-revolutionary Russian literature, that of Dostoyevsky among others. Yet now there is nothing grand or transforming about despair, only the fury within, which is one more toll taken.

"The Guard," written by Ivan Loschilin and directed by Mr. Rogoschkin, who was born in 1949, has the density of pent-up feelings expressed in a sudden rush, like Iveren's. Unlike Iveren, though, Mr. Rogoschkin hangs onto his wits.  To View The Full HD : Free movies to watch online

The film works through its accumulation of small, precisely observed details, which at first seem as commonplace to the audience as to the soldiers. The prisoners, who are loaded aboard the train by numbers and placed in cage-like comparments, remain mostly faceless and uncharacterized.

It's soon apparent that this is one of Mr. Rogoschkin's methods. The guards, who are the focus of the film, are no more free than the men they are escorting. The unfortunate Iveren comes into focus only with time.

Another new soldier, a dopey fellow who is under the misapprehension that he is a singer, is initially an easier target for the other guards, especially when he entertains them with his version of "Yesterday" in English.

As the days wear on, and as the routine becomes more oppressive, the aloof Iveren attracts their attention. In cutting him down to size, the small community on the train destroys itself.

Two minor reservations: "The Guard" is too symmetrical for its own good. It has been thought through so carefully that, after a certain point, there isn't much left to surprise the audience.

Also, most of the film is shot in appropriately grainy, washed-out black-and-white. When, after a crucial event, the director switches to color, the effect is to italicize the obvious. A final sequence of dreamy desolation does not need this film-school touch.   Watch The Guard Movie Online

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